Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why the name?

When I was pregnant with my son, my 4 year old daughter was hugging me and was rubbing my belly and she was trying to compliment me saying I was beautiful, and she said," you're a big fat bowl of mommy salad!"

It was so sweet and innocent that I took it as it was meant, a compliment, and little does she know it, but my daughter in her childlike ways has done a lot to help me feel good about myself no matter what size I am. She doesn't look at me and see a fat woman who according to the BMI ( which is bullshit) am "morbidly obese". She looks at me and sees her mommy. a fun loving active, person in her life whom she loves.

so that's me.....Bigfatbowlofmommysalad.

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